3 Ways To Improve Circulation with Therapeutic Massage Sessions

Discover Routine Massage Sessions in Workplace at Elated Harmonies Massage Studios

3 Ways To Improve Circulation with Therapeutic Massage Sessions

Discover 3 ways to Improve Your Circulation throughout the workday to get rid of: Muscle Fatigue, Muscle Cramps, and Stiff Muscle Areas.

Welcome to Elated Harmonies Massage

Hello Hello Again –

Welcome into Elated Harmonies Massage where we provide therapeutic massage sessions and products that encourage individuals to Invest in Moments of Peace. My name is Shanice-Shaila and in this video were discussing the importance of improved blood circulation for muscle health and 3 things you can start to incorporate into your day to improve it.

Check Out More Insights

Just a quick note, you know that we started this series In-Studio Moments to share as many insights as we can regarding therapeutic massage in the workplace, even though you can check out many of the episodes in this series here on this channel or over at elatedharmonies.com/in-studio-moments.

You can also now view these insights in podcast form or on any one of your favorite platforms, just search "Elated Harmonies" or "In-Studio Moments" to join the discussion during your commute, after work, or whenever you like to listen to podcasts episodes.

Issues with Poor Circulation

Alright Alright well lets get into it

Now proper circulation as it relates to muscle health and overall wellness involves the bodies ability to carry blood, oxygen, and nutrients to tissues throughout the entire body as well as carry waste by-products from those cells. But in the event of poor circulation especially in regards to muscle health you may start to notice:

    - Quicker muscle fatigue
    - Intense muscle cramping, or even a
    - Throbbing and stinging pain in affected muscle group

Now combine those painful symptoms with an overload of work, tight deadlines, and frustrating personalities and you can see how poor circulation can effect your productivity in the workplace. So now that you can see the importance of improved circulation throughout the body, lets discover 3 ways to improve that circulation at the office throughout your day.

Number 1: Stretching

Again, as you know, we are constantly emphasizing the importance of stretching your body throughout the day beyond your pre-workout or running routine. This is in part due to the significance of proper circulation which not only provides blood, oxygen, and nutrients to your those muscle groups in need but can naturally increase the endorphins in the brain to improve your mood and clear your mindset of that unexpected frustration.

Number 2: Walking and Jogging

Now we all know that sitting all day is wrecking havoc on your body, again, this is in part to the effect of poor circulation. So to combat that we simply suggest carving out a minute or two for a brisk walk around the hallways of your office building or even better get some fresh air by taking a brisk walk around the neighborhood of your office.

Walking and Jogging not only elevates the heart rate, in effect improving circulation but also allows your blood vessels to dilate taking in oxygen more efficiently.

Number 3: Therapeutic Massage

And lastly, you guessed it, Number 3: Therapeutic Massage

Did you know that the techniques used by your Massage Therapist such as Swedish, Shiatsu, and ones involving intensified pressure improve blood circulation by helping to manually move blood through congested, blocked, and hindered areas. This unbeknownst to you, may be causing those stiff and painful areas your suffer with, throughout your day.

The Recap: Stretch Breaks, Brisk Walk, Therapeutic Massage

Yep! It's that time again, Let's Recap!

Now proper circulation involves the body’s ability to carry blood, oxygen, and nutrients to tissues throughout the entire body as well as carry waste by-products from those cells.

This is important not only for overall wellness but to:

    - Slow muscle fatigue
    - Combat muscle cramping, and
    - Prevent painful sensations in affected muscle groups

So to ensure proper blood circulation during the workday we suggest you:

    - Incorporate Stretch Breaks: To improve circulation but also naturally increase endorphins to improve mood
    - Incorporate a few minutes for brisk walking or jogging: To improve circulation but also dilate your blood vessels helping to take in oxygen in the blood more effectively
    - Incorporate Therapeutic Massage Sessions: To improve circulation but also unblock congested areas of the body that may be causing you pain.

Get In Touch With Us

So it looks like we reached the end of another discovery for today Remember you can now catch number of these discoveries in our Podcast In-Studio Moments, which is also a playlist right here on our channel.

As always my name is Shanice-Shaila with Elated Harmonies Massage encouraging you to build routine massage session into your workday and as always, Invest in Moments of Peace.

Improve Circulation for Muscle Health with Massage


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