What Makes An Exceptional Massage Therapist Even Better

Discover Routine Massage Sessions in Workplace at Elated Harmonies Massage Studios

What Makes An Exceptional Massage Therapist Even Better

We describe what makes your exceptional Massage Therapist even better, from modalities, to rapport, to ethical demeanor.

Welcome to Elated Harmonies Massage

Hello Hello

Welcome into Elated Harmonies Massage where we provide therapeutic massage sessions and products that encourage individuals to Invest In Moments of Peace. My name is Shanice-Shaila and in video 11, I shared what makes a Great Massage Therapist Great regarding 3 key, well, essential features of an Exceptional Massage Therapist so in this video I'll share what makes an Exceptional Massage Therapist even better.

So as you know, if you've been watching this series of videos you know that we are sharing as many insights as we can regarding therapeutic massage in the workplace and how you can use therapeutic massage sessions to combat occupational stress and that pain you suffer with daily at your desk.

Check Out Our Upcoming Shows

Now I know you heard me mention the stretch videos we are getting ready to release where our Lead Massage Therapist shows you 3 stretches in 2 minutes to do:

    - at your desk
    - between massage sessions, or
    - when you discover that deliverable you thought you had another weekend to complete well that deadline just got pushed up to close of business today.

Yep! You need to that stretch break just to keep you from spinning your wheels and tensing up. So catch our Lead Massage Therapist on Moments of Peace & Ease here on this channel and at: www.elatedharmonies.com/stretch

But today we want to announce one other show that have been in the works and coming to our channel this month!

First is our video podcast, Rest in Any Circumstance this is where I'll explore subtle but constant nuances in the workplace that triggers and build upon your occupational stress levels. So catch me anytime, during your commute, afterwork, or whenever you like to listen to podcasts on anyone of your favorite platforms and the great thing about this is you can view a video recording of each podcast here on this channel and at: www.elatedharmonies.com/rest

Alright, alright now that we are done with telling you about our upcoming shows lets get into what you've come for What Makes an Exceptional Massage Therapist even Better.

Number 1: Range of Modalities

Now when we speak of modalities we are typically mention:

    - Swedish
    - Deep Tissue
    - Sports Massage
    - Reflexology, or
    - Thai Stretch Massage

So an exceptional Massage Therapist will not only have the knowledge of proper technique and abilities to perform a range of therapeutic massage modalities but the physical dexterity to loosen the tissue and relieve those tense, stiff, and stubborn muscles. This includes the stamina, energy, and effort to provide you with an exceptional experience.

Number 2: A Listening Ear

This leads us to Number 2: A Listening Ear

This strong sense of empathy goes along way especially when our Guests visit on a day where they feel like everything at the office is chaotic “end of the fiscal year, anyone?” but this also goes for having a genuine interest in improving our Guests overall health and wellbeing though positive touch as well as an Exceptional Massage Therapist’s ability to build rapport because we love that were able to see you often enough to see you:

    - grow into another position and promotion,
    - grow your family whether it’s a new baby,
    - or your youngest is graduating from college we’re even there when you sell and move into your new home

Number 3: Ethical and Professional Demeanor

And Lastly but most importantly, Number 3: Ethical and Professional Demeanor

Now remember back in episode 2 when I stated that she is a Massage Therapist not A Masseuse, well let’s run the tape. Now an exceptional Massage Therapist primary job is to manipulate the muscle and connective tissue through positive touch now even though an Exceptional Massage Therapist has the ability to build that rapport with you and be empathetic to any of your current situations you choose to discuss there are boundaries and a balance of authority when it comes to you, your session, and the Massage Therapist. Lets briefly touch upon it here but we can always circle back to this in another video.


First lets discuss boundaries, now the Massage Therapist is not here to diagnose a sickness, illness or injury, that is out of their scope of practice, and there are primary care physicians for that.

Secondly the Massage Therapist is not here to discuss deeply personal matters, give advice, or counsel, that is out of their scope of practice, and there are psychologists and spiritual counselors for that.

And lastly the Massage Therapist is not here to take the place of a romantic relationship that was never in their scope of practice and there are partners and spouses for that.

Balance of Authority

Alright now less discuss balance of authority. Now this is where both the Therapist and the Guest are guilty of blurring policies and procedures this refers to:

    - Starting the Session ON-TIME, that both for the Guest, arriving on-time and for the Therapist, opening on-time.
    - ON-TIME payments at time of Sessions, no lets not get into running tabs or bartering system, or partial payments
    - This also refers to Communication during the session, so that both the Guest and the Therapist feel heard and respected. As the Guest, tell the Therapist when a technique is discomforting or painful. Also as the Guest, you are not entitled to make inappropriate comments, remarks, or gestures.

Not only will an Exceptional Massage Therapist not tolerate it, but that exceptional Elated Harmonies Massage Team Member will terminate the Massage Session ASAP!

Range of Modalties, Listening Ear, and Professional Demeanor

You know what time it is
Lets Recap!

Now in Episode 11, I shared what Makes a Great Massage Therapist Great

    - Professional Training
    - Session Engagement
    - Studio Cleanliness

Now here what Makes A Great Massage Therapist even Better

    Number 1:
    Range of Modalities: That’s having the knowledge of proper technique and the ability and physical dexterity to perform.
    Number 2:
    A Listening Ear: Empathy and having a genuine interest to improving your wellbeing, as well as building rapport are all important qualities of an Exceptional Massage Therapist.
    And Lastly Number 3:
    Ethical and Professional Demeanor: This is both boundaries, The Therapist is not:
      - Diagnosing any illnesses
      - Discussing deeply personal matter
      - Or Substituting for a romantic relationship
    As well as Balance of Authority:
      - Lets start our Massage Sessions ON-Time
      - Lets make On-Time payments in Full, and
      - Lets Communicate so that both you the Guest and the Therapist feel heard and respected

Yep that’s what makes a Exceptional Massage Therapist even better

Have Questions? We Want to Hear From You

Whew, this series really sparks a discussion huh?

So if you like this series In-Studio Moments check out more of our insights at: www.elatedharmonies.com/in-studio-moments and if you enjoy this conversation we have together join me as I launch our video podcast:
Rest in Any Circumstance, where we explore workplace nuances that lead to occupational stress, then ultimately release the trigger that caused the frustration in the first place to find rest in any circumstance.

I’m excited about our upcoming projects are you?

As always my name is Shanice- Shaila with Elated Harmonies Massage encouraging you to build routine massage sessions into your workplace and as always Invest in Moments of Peace.

Discover What Makes a Exceptional Massage Therapist Even Better


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