How Much Does A Massage Session Cost?

Discover Routine Massage Sessions in Workplace at Elated Harmonies Massage Studios

How Much Does A Massage Session Cost?

We discuss factors that determine therapeutic massage session costs and the benefits of seeking a professionally trained, licensed, and insure Massage Therapist whenever you are seeking therapeutic relief.

Welcome to Elated Harmonies Massage

Hello Hello again,

Welcome into Elated Harmonies Massage where we provide therapeutic massage sessions and products that encourage individuals to Invest in Moments.

My name is Shanice-Shaila and in today's video I want to share with you the answer your frequently asked question: How much does a massage session cost?

Check Out the Rest and Our Stretch Videos

But before we get into today’s question remember if you’ve been watching this series of videos, you know that we have been sharing as many insights as we can regarding therapeutic massage sessions in the workplace. This marks our 10th episode, so if you missed a few, I link the latest here and our favorite here, you have some catching up to do. Of course we want to hear from you so leave a comment below by saying "hello hello "
or get in touch with us directly at

Oh yes and one more thing aside from sharing insights regarding massage sessions in the workplace our Lead Massage Therapist has a series of videos where you can discover 3 stretches in 2 minutes to do:

    - at your desk,
    - between massage sessions, or
    - when you need to get rid of that less than productive energy from that unexpected frustration

(no, no I’m kidding, because you don’t get frustrated at work)

Importance of a Licensed Massage Therapist

Alright, Alright lets get into what you’ve come here for? How much does a massage session cost?

So therapeutic massage sessions rates tend to depend on 3 main factors:

    - Duration
    - Location, and
    - Package Discounts, if selected

Now of course we always recommend that you visit a:

    - State Licensed
    - Professionally Trained, and
    - Insured

Massage therapist when seeking therapeutic relief. Remember a licensed massage therapist will have not only done in-field hands-on clinical hours but have had studied in:

    - Anatomy
    - Kinesiology, and even
    - Psychology, credit hours

So depending on your Therapist skills, training, and experience this will also affect the rates of your therapeutic massage sessions. Hey but there is a lot of value in a skilled therapist technique versus your kids jumping on your back or your spouses attempt at therapy.

Number 1: Session Duration

Number 1, Duration
Now there is this myth, ok no, let me call it an idea that the standard rate for massage is a $1.00/ minute or less now this may be true for your discount intro deals but experienced therapist typically provide 60 minute massages at around $80 - $120 per session --or even more in exclusive spas-- but well address that later in number 2.

Our brief massage sessions from 10-Minute, 15-Minute, or 30-Minutes start at $15.00 - $50.00 as our Licensed Massage Therapist provides skilled techniques in efforts to address your specific session goal such as the crick in your neck or that lower back pain in which you sought therapeutic relief in the first place.

Number 2: Session Location

This leads us to number 2, Location
Now how much your session costs will depend on WHERE you receive your session. Now you know on East Coast or in major metropolitan cities the therapeutic massage session rate tends to scale around incomes of that region or even zipcode. WHERE you receive a massage will also depend on the nature place

    - Is it an exclusive destination spa or luxe hotel?
    - Is it at your chiropractor’s office?, or
    - Is it at your neighborhood nail spot?

Again, we offer therapeutic massage sessions, in the workplace, at our own studio, in efforts to combat occupational stress and relieve that pain you suffer with daily at your desk.

Number 3: Package Deals

Number 3, Package Deals
Now as earlier, I spoke about your intro discount deal you may get from your favorite coupon app but many massage franchises offer those intro deals as well. This may lower the cost of your initial visit but to continue with it you may have to join as a member and sign a annual contract. Many places, like our studio, do offers deals on prepaying for next few sessions but we offer discounts for your routine healthy behavior, such as routine exercise and fitness or simply joining a running and walking club.

Please remember many health plans cover therapeutic massage sessions by a licensed massage therapist up to a certain amount, do you can use your flexible spending account dollars you allocate at the beginning of open season,to be reimbursed for each session you build into your health regimen.

Duration, Location, and Deals

Alright lets recap!

Therapeutic Massage Session rates tend to depend on 3 main factors:

    Number 1, Duration
    Number 2, Location, and
    Number 3, Package Deals, if selected

Of course your Therapist skills, experience, and training as well as specific modalities and add-ons will play a part as well. Remember your favorite app discount deals may bring your initial visit cost down to a $1.00/ minute or less but typically 60 minutes with an experienced Therapist can range from $80 - $120.

Our brief sessions in the workplace start at $15.00 --No memberships, no contracts, and even health plan reimbursements which make it easy, to build therapeutic massage sessions into your workplace routine.

So that’s it! I hope this video shed a little light and gave a bit of insight regarding how much a therapeutic massage session costs but also the value in choosing a professionally trained and state-license therapist when seeking therapeutic relief.

As always my name is Shanice-Shaila encouraging you to build therapeutic massage sessions into your workplace routine and of course Invest in Moments of Peace.

How Much Does a Therapeutic Massage Session Cost


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